It's been so nice! Aiden and I actually took a walk around the neighborhood today. Sad, but it's the first time since we moved in March. It was SO nice. We met one of the little girls who lives near us. She let Aiden pet her dog, which he of course instantly fell in love with! We came home and just enjoyed getting to spend some alone time - at home - together. He helped me unload the dishwasher. He was so proud of himself; it really was cute to watch. Then we made dinner, ate, which had to be followed up with a bath - we had spaghetti for dinner :). I got some cute pictures of him in tub. He tries to bathe himself, which really is quite comical.
Adam, Aiden and I went to my cousin Jennifer's house for a wonderful bar-b-que last night. We got to spend some great family time with Aiden's great Uncle Frank and Aunt Brenda, as well as Jennifer and John. As much as Aiden enjoyed visiting with his family, I think his favorite part was playing with the K9 side of the Fuson family. Uncle Frank and Aunt Brenda have the cutest 8mo old boxer named Gus and Jennifer and John have slightly older one named Maxie. Aiden was greeted with LOTS of kisses from these two. Jennifer broke out some bubbles, and after eating a small portion of the bottle Aiden caught on and started blowing them. Adam and I had a great time as well. It was really great getting see Frank and Brenda, they live in San Angelo so we hadn't seen them in about 6 months. We don't have a very good excuse for not seeing Jennifer and John as they live in Benbrook. The food and company were wonderful, and we can't wait to do it again!
Aiden turned 18 months on Monday!!! Boy, is time flying! He went in for is well check this morning. The doctor said he is doing GREAT!!! He had a bit of a growth spurt over the past six months. Aiden is now 34" tall, putting him in the 75 percentile. He is FINALLY in the 50 percentile in his weight, weighing in at 26lbs. I'm a little confused how he gained enough weight to bump him up, he doesn't eat nearly like he use to, and I don't think he could be any more active! I guess those two gallons of milk a week did it. Aiden enjoyed playing with Dr. Rhodes. This was the first visit he has actually given the doc much of his attention. He had a good visit, except for the two shots he got. Aiden is quite strong and that showed while he was getting his shots. He was able to kick one leg just about loose while the nurse was giving him his second shot. I'm pretty sure it's going to bruise, but I'm hoping I'm wrong.
Aiden did SO great yesterday using the potty. He only "used" his diaper twice ALL day, and one time was during his nap. Our baby boy is turning into a little man :(
We've been sitting Aiden on the potty occasionally for months. Sunday when I got him out of the bath he said, "TT seat TT seat". I finished drying him off and sat him on the potty. He sat there for a second then pssssss!!! We've sat him on it a few time since then, mostly when he has asked. Then tonight we were in my room doing a little cleaning. He said something, which I didn't hear then he yelled "Mommy, tt!!". So we ran to the rest room, sat him on the potty, and he did it again!! He has used the potty 3 times since Sunday!! I'm hoping this is going to be pretty easy for him. He knows when he needs to pee. I know that because if he is in the bath he will stand up and look at me, "Mommy, t" then begins peeing. Unfortunatly he thinks that it is funny. He will also tell you when he has a dirty diaper. Ryann taught him the word toot. So right after he "uses" his diaper he'll say "toot". He is growing up WAY too fast!! He turned 18months on Monday, and will be going in for his well check on Thursday. I'll post more then.
Still can't believe we're already at this point in her life. If you don't have kids, or you've just got a tiny one, believe me when I say they grow up TOO fast!!
Adam, Aiden and I drove to Greenville EARLY this morning to surprise Ryann at her mommy's house. Thanks to Melony, Ryann's mom; we were able to be a big part of Ryann's first day of school. She was a little shocked when she came running out of the bath and found us standing in the living room! Melony was nice enough to let me fix Ryann's hair - something I was HAPPY to do!! Ryann, Kamri and Aiden got to play for a few minutes before we loaded up and headed to school.
Ryann met her teacher last Thursday and was REALLY looking forward to today. We walked in her room and she went right to playing. This was not a hard thing for her at all! Can't really say the same for us parents. It was HARD! We all did a good job of chocking back our tears, well at least till we got to the car. Ryann is an amazing child. There is NO doubt in our minds that she will not cease to amaze her teachers and fellow class mates!
I can't wait to call her and hear all about her first day!!!! Here are some pictures we took this morning.....
Kay and I spent all afternoon driving around looking for uniforms for Ryann. Still can't believe she will be starting pre-k Monday!! We were able to find enough to give her a good start. Her mommy will finish up the shopping this weekend while Ryann is with us. We're going to look for some shoes while she is here. Should be fun. Adam, Aiden and I are going to spend Sunday night with Gamma and Papa, so we can get up early and drive to Greenville to be with Ryann for her fist day of school. Pretty sure I'm going to cry. Monday is also a big day for Aiden, he will officially be 18months!! OMG, where did the time go?? He has his well check next Thursday morning. This weekend I get to go out with some of my momma friends. I'm really looking forward to it. We are going out for Restaurant week, so we are getting all dressed up and going to enjoy a fancy meal for a great price. It's going to be YUMMY!!!
Yep, that's what we've been doing! Wednesday night we went to the circus. We had a great time! Aiden LOVED all the music. He seriously danced the night away!! It was so funny to watch, he had a great time shaking his booty! LOL!! Ryann had a ton of fun too. She said her favorite part was when the elephants sat on their bottoms. They also had a blast eating popcorn. Who knew eating could be SO exciting?!
Thursday I took Ryann to pick out a backpack for school. She was so funny to watch. She finally settled on a blue tinker bell one. Wanna know how she made her final decision? She chose the one that had the best "free" extras. Yep, she picked this one because it was cute and it came w/ a mirror and a pencil bag. Isn't that funny?! After that we took Ryann back to her mommy. She'll be back next weekend, and will start school the following Monday - YICKS!!!
Aiden and I went to a play date today. We had a good time, but Aiden was ready to leave early. He told me "Mommy, I want nigh-night". So we came home. I put him down for a nap, which he never took. He just laid in his bed and played for about an hour. I think he was just ready for a day at home. We really do go a lot, and with Ryann being here the past week we did even more than usual. He was ready for some down time; I also think he is craving a little bit of Mommy and Daddy time. Which he got some of, and will get more of tomorrow morning. We'll be going to his cousin Ashelynn's birthday party tomorrow afternoon, which he is going to LOVE. It's a swimming party, and Aiden LOVES the water! Sunday is another busy day. I've got to meet with my scrapbook club then race over to Adrian's baby shower. Should be a fun, but hectic day.
I'm not sure we've stopped since Ryann came home Thursday night! Friday we went to the pool. Saturday we went to the movies, while the kiddos played with Gamma. Sunday we ate lunch and took advantage of tax free weekend with Gamma. Thanks for all the kids clothes!!!!!! Today we hosted a playdate for our group. Ryann and Aiden had a BLAST! This was Ryann's first chance to meet the kids in our group - except for the ones who came to her birthday party. One of the girls is almost exactly her age. They had a really great time running round playing together. Aiden, as usual; was a great host. I loved hosting another playdate. I've decided hosting get togethers CAN be fun. I've always hated it, because I hate having a mess - it makes it SO worth it to see Ryann, Aiden and the rest of the kids having fun. I'm sure we'll do it again! Not sure what we have going on tomorrow..... maybe swimming and walking Cabelas? Who knows... I'm sure we'll be going - going! Wednesday, it's off to the circus! I can hardly wait!
It feels like Aiden woke up this morning and thought, hey I'm going to say a bunch of new words and act like a big boy all day! He started this morning by pointing to my head and saying "head, mommy's head". Then later when I was changing his diaper he pulled up his shirt, pointed and said, "tummy, baby tummy"!!! He also said night, night for the first time today. We were getting him ready for his nap, Adam told him night-night Aiden. Aiden followed him up with night-night Daddy. Then after nap I took him swimming. He will swim all over the place with his floaty suit. He got out and said "Mommy jump" so I held out my arms, and he jumped to me. I didn't really "catch" him. He really doesn't like going under and since this was something he wanted to do I figured it would be a good time to let his head go under. He LOVED it. Aiden would jump in, go under, turn around and swim back to the side!!!!!!! He absolutely amazed me ALL day! His vocabulary is growing so rapid! He tells you if he is happy now, and it is just the CUTEST thing! Most words are SO clear I don't even need to interpret for him. Cup gets a little confusing because he still says pup, but that's the only word you may not have a clue on. I haven't been keeping up like I would have liked to, but here is most of the words he is saying now: Mommy, Daddy, Sissy, Papa, Kay, GiGi, dog, cat, puppy, pup (cup), eye, head, tummy, feet, what's this/that, baby, ice, eat, light, no, night-night, down, up, hot, flower, house, ball, man (usually means Superman or Spiderman), happy, and bye-bye. I'm sure there are many more, but I just can't think right now.
We hope you're all doing well! We've got some fun days ahead of us. Aiden and I are going to pick up Ryann tomorrow, and she will be with us for a WEEK!!!!!!!!!! Aiden is going to be in heaven! He LOVES having his big sister around.