Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Hope you all had a wonderful day and night! Our day started out ruff. Aiden picked up a runny nose and cough, and boy was he feeling it this morning/ afternoon. After a 3.5 hour nap, he was ready for some good 'ol trick or treating! I have to say, I am SO happy we moved to a neighborhood that is so family friendly! Aiden had a wonderful time! He never would say trick or treat, but he did tell everyone "Happy Haween!" and he was really good at remembering to tell everyone thank you. I was surprised at how well he did with some of the scarier decor - such a big boy!!! Little Peter Pan got enough candy to last till next year! After we were done trick or treating we took Aiden to Chick-fil-a, where he played and had a wonderful time. No doubt he was ready for bed. I think he was asleep before his head it the pillow!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Making some changes...

I've changed our photo hosting site yet again. I think this one is going to work better. I have unlimited uploads, so now I won't have to pick and choose which photos to share. There are some new ones up already so check them out. I'll take me a while, but I'm going to put up all our old ones too, so check back often to take a stroll down memory lane. Anyone can post comments on this site, and you can also purchase the photos you like.

We've been BUSY lately! We had Ryann and Kamri this past weekend. We started celebrating Halloween since Ryann will be with her mommy on Tuesday. First all three kids got to open Halloween gifts from Aunt Kay. We went to a Fall Festival where they got to ride ponies. This was Aiden's first time doing so. He had SO much fun, unfortunately I didn't have my camera - bad Mommy!!!

Then Saturday night we went to Boo at the Zoo. This was our third year to attend. The kids got a TON of candy. We all had a great time! Aiden LOVED asking for "tandy" he always told the person giving it to him, "thanks man" Ryann was Tinkerbell, Aiden was Peter Pan, Kamri was a ballerina, Daddy went as a soccer ref, who was attacked, and Mommy was a cheerleader.

Sunday we did some more Halloween celebrating at Gamma and Papa's house. The kids all had a great time playing with their grandparents! We took the girls back to their mommy and came home.

Aiden is talking more and more, not much he can't say. He now knows most of his shapes, colors and lots of letters. He is just amazing!!!! He is minding his manners so well these days, always saying "please" and "tank you" - too sweet!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Halloween Pumpkins!!

Aiden experienced carving a pumpkin for the first time today! This was always something I LOVED doing when I was a kid. From past experience with Ryann, she isn't too crazy about it. That is why we painted our pumpkins last year. Aiden had a great time. He didn't know what to think at first. He reached in and said "yucky!" and quickly pulled his hand out. I showed him what he needed to do. After that the fun started!! We cleaned it, and then I carved the word 'boo' in it. When the letters fell out Aiden said "oops" and started putting them back. Once we got it back inside and put a candle in it, he was mesmerized!! Spending time with him is SO much fun these days. He is a real character!!

**Oh, please excuse the fact that Aiden is just in his undies, this is pretty common these days - makes our frequent trips to the potty a little easier!**

Looks kinda like BOD- oops!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Little Miss October!

As promised here are a few pictures of the newest addition to the Fuson family!!! Isn't she beautiful?!!

I think she looks most like her big sister Taryn!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


We picked up Ryann Thursday afternoon. Friday we had a play date, and the kids had a blast! My friend Kelley has some what of a zoo in her home. We got to see two Sloths, the are SO cool!!! Aiden thought they were monkeys. To my surprise Ryann was not scared of them. Among her many other pets they have a grate dane, which Aiden thought was a horse!

While we were at our play date Adam was busy taking the GRE. He did wonderful - which we all knew he would! He plans to go back to school; very part time, starting in January. Life as a married couple will soon feel like life as a single parent. We'll manage; always keeping in mind he is trying to better our situation, and his career.

I had a scrap book thing Saturday morning, and then Gamma and Papa came over. We all had a great time visiting and watching the A&M game - WHOOP!!!

Today, we headed to Kamri's birthday party. These kids are growing up WAY to fast! Aiden had a great time playing with Ryann and Kamri and the rest of the kids. He slept the whole way home, and was ready for bed at eight o'clock right on the dot! Adam is crashed already too. I on the other hand am dealing with restless legs. I've got a doctors appointment on the 25, but not sure if I can wait that long. I've woken up two nights in the past week crying because of the pain and discomfort, gotta get this under control!

Hope you're all doing great!
New pictures are up!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Big boy haircut!

Aiden went in today for his first real big boy hair cut. We visited Cool Cuts 4 Kids. That is a w0nderful place. Aiden had fun playing before his hair cut. During his hair cut he watched the wiggles and got to sit in a yellow taxi. He was very excited about his yeyow tar (yellow car). He did really well, didn't cry - just had a look of concern on his face the whole time. He looks more like Adam now - I think. Don't get me wrong, he still favors Mommy, but you can see more of Daddy now.

to see all the pix from today visit www.dropshots.com/naborsfam

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Home Sweet Home!

Adam returned home last night! Aiden and I are SO happy to have him back home. Sounds like he had a good trip. Got lots of work done, plus he got to see most everything he wanted to see. He came back with some souvenirs for us all. We'll all be sporting our I love NY shirts soon! He isn't really home though, he had to get up and go ref some soccer games; so I guess real family time will start this evening.

I'm sure Adam feels like he missed a lot of Aiden growing up this past week. Aiden has picked up on A through G of the alphabet song! He also can tell you what a circle and triangle are. He is recognizing more colors. Never getting yellow, pink, white, black or brown wrong. Blue and red are getting better, but he refuses to say green. Oh, big step in potty training yesterday. He had on his big boy undies and was playing. I heard "Uh-oh, tt Mommy - POTTY!!!" He ran past me on the way to the potty. I noticed a tiny wet spot on his undies. I sat him on the potty and he finished. He actually was able to hold it! BIG STEP! Yay Aiden!!!! Aiden has also decided he is a huge football fan. I turned on the A&M game and he sat on the couch and hasn't moved. Every once in a while I hear "go man go, ball!!" I guess he likes it! LOL!!

Check out more pix from New York http://www.dropshots.com/naborsfam

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Welcome baby girl Fuson!!!

She is FINALLY here!!! Chris and Adrian couldn't be happier! Daelyn Avery Fuson was born today. She weighed in at a whopping 8lbs 10oz, and 19inches long. She came to us by c-section. Mommy and baby are both doing well. A little exhausted, but that's to be expected. Ashelynn and Taryn are so proud of their new baby sister! Aiden LOVED her. He wanted to hold her SO bad, but took playing with Uncle Tis (Chris) instead. I don't have any pictures to share YET, (Adam has my camera in New Jersey) but I'll post some as soon as I get my hands on a camera. If you would like to call or send flowers contact me and I will be happy to give you the happy family's contact info. They will be coming home from the hospital Saturday, I'm sure they can't wait! I'll keep you all updated on our newest member of the family!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

In a blink of an eye....

Aiden is proving everyday that he is no longer a baby. He continues to amaze me with how smart he is. It's funny, because those things bring nothing but joy to me. I get so happy to hear a new word, song, letter, color.... but to watch him actually change from that tiny little baby into this little boy, well just make me sad. Aiden started wearing 'big boy' underwear yesterday afternoon. He wears them during waking hours while we are home. He has had only one accident while wearing them! Aiden really enjoys using the potty. He loves running into the next room and telling who ever he sees, "I tt potty!!!" I get so much joy from his happiness. Today we converted his crib into a toddler bed. He was SO excited to be apart of what was going on. He had a great time jumping on the mattress while I put the bed together. We went potty, put a diaper on, washed his hands and teeth then I watched as he climbed into bed all by himself for the first time. It was so sweet, but I couldn't help but cry. Our baby is really growing up, and it's safe to say I've got mixed emotions! We read a book and then gave hugs and kisses. He turned over and went right to sleep. I walked out of the room thinking, where did my baby go? It's so true; they really do grow up FAST!

Sorry these pictures aren't great - they were taken w/ my phone Adam has my camera out of state!!

First time in his 'big boy' bed!!

Dancing in his undies!!LOL!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Our weekend with 3 kiddos!

What happened to the weekend?! It went by SO fast!! Friday afternoon we picked up Ryann and her little sister, Kamri. First thing after dinner, we got our home ready for Halloween. The girls had a great time putting up black and orange lights, ghost, pumpkins and the rest of our not-too scary decor. Saturday after my photo shoot, a friend of mine; who has girls about Ryann and Kamri's age came over. All four of the girls, and Aiden had a BLAST! Later that afternoon I took Kamri and did some birthday portraits - she was a wonderful little model. She told me the whole time, "this is fun, I like this!" When we returned home all the kids got to work on making a Halloween picture frame. We had a late night of playing!! Today was our usual Sunday, spent with Gamma and Papa. The kids had fun, as usual! Aiden LOVED having both girls here this weekend. He really bonded with Kamri, who by the way - is the most well mannered child I have ever met! She is really a sweet girl!

Not sure whats up w/ Aiden's smile, but aren't they cute?!

Silly kids!

Aiden and I are preparing for a week with out Daddy. Adam leaves for New Jersey tomorrow. He will return Friday, the sixth. Not sure how we are going to handle this "alone" time. Aiden is very attached to his daddy, and is use to seeing him everyday - so we'll see.

Aiden is still amazing us daily. He is just so awesome! I LOVE being his mommy! He is getting better and better at recognizing colors. Yellow and pink are his favorites, he never gets them wrong. Red is becoming easier for him too. He now will tell you, " I wanna count" and then goes on to do so. He is doing very well with potty training, asking more frequently to use the potty.

Ryann is doing great! She is just so grown! She is now enrolled in an after school program, starting officially on Monday. She will be doing tumbling - which I am THRILLED about!

Hope you're all doing well. If you would like to see more pictures from this weekend, check out our photo gallery!