There is absolutely NOTHING in this world more precious than a sleeping baby lying on your chest. Even when that baby is no longer a baby by definition.
Miss. Rhonda sent home a "reader" and Aiden read it to us before bed time tonight. A whole book! Can you believe that?!! I mean, it's like 6 pages, but remember he is THREE!!! We are so very proud of our little guy!
WOW, I don't think we've ever gone this long with out an update!! A TON has happened and I'm far too lazy to go into great detail. So, let's see.... Adam turned the big 3-0 last month. We had a week of celebrations!
Aiden and I are keeping busy, watching two of his cousins during the week. He LOVES having other kids around to play with all day. It's been a lot of fun for us.
Ryann and Aiden are growing like weeds. Both learning so much, it's hard too keep up! They are both reading these days. Aiden is mostly just reading three letter- short vowel sound words. Ryann is doing a bit more than that. We are SO proud of both our little smarty pants!
Adam is about to finish up this semester of school. He plans on taking the summer off, which is going to push graduation back to next summer; but we agree that is what is best.
That pretty much gets you all caught up. I hope to get back in the hang of keeping the masses updated on our where abouts. Until then, have a super week!!