Adam turned 31 in March! I love my old man (he he!) Okay, so he isn’t really old, but it’s still fun to tease him. He had to have steroid shots in his back for some disk issues. He’ll have another set next week. I think the first set helped a little, but not enough. He’s pretty much in at least mild pain ALL the time – poor guy.
Grandma Jane came for a visit. It sure was nice to see her! Unfortunately we didn’t get to spend much time with her. Adam, Aiden and I all ended up sick and stuck at home for most of the week she was here. We really hope we’ll get to spend more time with her before next year.
Ryann lost her second tooth. It’s just crazy to think she is the same little girl pictured here in 2004

WOW! They really do grow up too fast! She is doing well. Sweetest little girl you’ll ever meet. I’ve never met a more loving child. She’d hug you all day if you let her.
Nothing new to report on Aiden, he’s still growing like a weed. He can sweet talk just about any one into any thing……. We’re going to have our hands full when that boy discovers girls….. (Lord help us!)
We had a wonderful Easter this year. It was just the boys and I. Ryann was with her mom. Aiden was very excited for the Easter bunny to come and visit. He left some carrots and lettuce out for him… or her, Aiden hasn’t decided if the Easter bunny is male or female. He seemed pretty pleased with his basket of goodies. He is a real pro at hunting for eggs. He got to participate in 3 egg hunts this year, one a school, one with his cousins and one at Gamma and Papa’s house. All I can say is thank the Lord for sugar free candy! I’ll leave you with a few pictures of our Easter. As always check out our photo albums to view more.