Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good Morning!

Ryann and Aiden had another sleep over with their good friends again last night. Adam and I are so happy that they've found such good friends in Melissa and Drew, and the fact that they are siblings- and both of our kids can spend the night together helps with the anxiety I would feel letting them sleep at a friends house alone. I received this picture form Melissa and Drew's mom this morning w/ a text that read, "Good Morning from the kids!"
Wish I was hanging out with them. Looks like a great breakfast!!

Last weeks soccer games were so intense! The Odyssey team is new to the U7 division - and the team they played was TOUGH! Our boys didn't win the game, but they didn't go down with out a fight either. Aiden scored the first goal. It was AMAZING, I really wish I had video to share with you - or just audio of the crowd. The cheers were so loud and lasted for what felt like forever. Seriously an amazing goal, the final score 5-7! His rec. team had a really great game too! They did win, 4-3. It was a close game - neither team ever gave up. Our boys had several shots on goal - the other keeper was REALLY good! Aiden scored during this game too with another rather impressive goal.

This is our last week with our little Princess before she heads back to her mom's. We're all going to miss her more than words can say. Before she heads back though she has another dance class, 2 more track practices, a trip to the circus and another sleep over planned!

Sunday before taking Ryann back to her Mom, we'll be cheering on Aiden. His two teams are playing each other - should be interesting and FUN. Aiden's made the choice to play for his rec. team, FC Barcelona. If you get a chance to come out and cheer him on, this game should be rather interesting!!

I guess it's time to start our count down for school - 28 days - and other than new school shoes we're all set!!!

Until next time, we hope you are all doing great!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Coming down from our Sugar high...

I think we’re all suffering from birthday cake withdrawals. We all had a wonderful time celebrating Ryann’s birthday!! The word for that weekend was “amazing”, except she said it “A – mazing”. The hotel was A – mazing, the Cheesecake factory was A – mazing, her gifts were A – mazing, and Hurricane Harbor was A – mazing! Adam and I were so happy she had such a wonderful time! I took July 13th, (Ryann’s actual birthday) off. Both kids had a friend spend the night the night before, and we spent the 13th doing whatever the kids wanted. It was a great day!

Ryann and Aiden at the hotel

the "amazing" Hotel

Opening Gifts at dinner

Reading her new book back at the hotel - she looks SO grown up!

Kids leaving Hurricane Harbor

All the kids watching a movie in the living room, the night before Ryann's bday.

The kids spent the night of the 13th and 14th with Gamma and Papa, Ryann then spent the 15th – 17th with her mom. More birthday celebrating for her. While she was gone Aiden attended two friends’ birthday parties. Maybe now you understand why we’re all suffering from cake withdrawals!

My birthday, (which means MORE cake!) was this past Wednesday, I’ve entered the last year of my twenties – and fully plan to make the most of it. I’m starting this year off with a new car. We’re really happy with our purchase, although honestly a car was not something we were looking to purchase anytime soon. The A/C in my old car went out, and the cost to repair that, on top of few other high dollar maintenance repairs, we were looking at sinking WAY too much money in car a that had nearly 100,000 miles on it. I decided I wanted something smaller – with both kids now big enough to sit in boosters, I don’t need such a big back seat. I also wasn’t looking for a car with all the bells and whistles my old car had. It had the top trim line – and that stuff while really nice, isn’t all that important to me. I wanted something almost brand new, (since Adam will not let me get something brand new – he doesn’t want to pay that 1st year of depreciation- SMART) with little to no miles. I opted for a 2011 Ford Fiesta Hatchback with about 4k miles. It’s so CUTE, and actually has a lot of really cool features- a lot of which I still haven’t learned to use! Ryann and Aiden LOVE the new car, and Adam and I are really happy with our purchase too. The dealership gave us over Kelley Blue book on my old car, and came down a good bit on the price of this one – really making it a no brainer.

Switching gears, here are a few pictures of Ryann at track practie, I think I promised some a few weeks ago:

See, she is a natural!
Sorry they aren't closer up, they practice on the oposite side of the field.

Aiden is still playing soccer - I don't expect that to change any time soon. Summer II season starts this weekend. Below are the schedules for both teams:


If you look closely you'll notice that his teams are playing against each other TWO times. Our goal is to have him play for each team once - we just need to talk to the coaches and get all of that figured out. We hope you can come cheer him on!

Any who, I think that gets you pretty caught up on us. We hope you are all having a wonderful summer!!

Friday, July 08, 2011

Let the Birthday Count Down Begin!

I don’t know if Ryann got much sleep last night. She cracks me up with how excited she gets about upcoming events. She is so excited to start celebrating her birthday tonight. Because Ryann spends so little time here we opted not to throw a traditional birthday party again this year. Our thought was, only family would be invited, so there is really no need to spend $300-$400 on a party; so instead we’re staying in a hotel this weekend, meeting up with the fam and taking Ryann to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and gifts tonight, (she thinks it’s like the fanciest restaurant – LOL!) and spending the entire day tomorrow at Hurricane Harbor! We’re all going to have so much fun celebrating our little princess’ birthday!!

Although this weekend will be busy, and a ton of fun I’m hoping we can squeeze a little bit of time in for a little R&R too. We have been going almost non-stop this week! The kids didn’t get home from their sleep over until late Tuesday afternoon. They both had a really great time, and really were not really excited about coming home, safe to say their first sleep over w/ friends was a HUGE success. Tuesday evening Ryann started her dance class. She had a lot of fun, and really did a great job. She caught onto the choreography really quickly! I mentioned before Ryann was going to get to play soccer, however, that turned out to be a bust. Since she’ll only be here for one month we couldn’t put her on a team, because she wouldn’t have been here for even half the season – so I was really excited to find that our subdivision puts together pick-up games every Tuesday night. However, with these high temps we’ve been having, and the games scheduled to start at 5:30 no one showed. So, instead she started track Tuesday night. I didn’t get to go, (I had to take Aiden to his soccer practice) but Adam said Ryann did a really terrific job. Other parents were even asking him if she had had any formal training before now. She is definitely a natural runner. I think she is really excited to be involved in something that she is naturally great at. I know it’s already been a tough transition for her- staying this active, but I also know she is LOVING it! Track practice is 3 days a week, dance is once. Put that on top of Aiden’s minimum of 2 soccer practices and the 3 field trips a week they take with the daycare – these kids are most defiantly making the most of their summer!

I don’t have any pictures from track practice, but I hope to get some next week. Here are a few that I got at dance class. Sorry the quality is so bad – I only had my phone.

We hope you are all doing great! I’ll post again soon :)

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Happy 4th!

We hope you all enjoyed your holiday weekend – we sure did!! I picked up Ryann Friday afternoon, and we haven’t stopped since. Saturday mid morning I took Ryann and her friend Melissa to see Monte Carlo, it was really cute, and the girls had a wonderful time. While we were at the movies Adam and Aiden spent some time together. Aiden had a Toys R Us gift card that was burning a whole in his pocket, so Adam took him there, and then they came home and played. Afterward we headed to Dallas to help Gamma celebrate her birthday. Followed by an evening of playing at Gamma and Papa’s house. Sunday we headed out to the pool, then shoe shopping for Ryann, finally landing in Southlake for their Independence Day festivities and fireworks. We always enjoy the show they put on out there! The McOmber family joined us again this year – we all had a wonderful time!

Yesterday Adam and the kids went back out to Gamma and Papa’s house for lunch, and swimming. I stayed home and slept. I guess the extra full weekend had taken its toll on me; I didn’t wake up until 2pm! When Adam and the kids got home we headed over to the Mata’s house for dinner and swimming. We just adore this family! The dad is one of Aiden’s coaches. The son is one of Aiden’s good friends from school. The daughter and Ryann have become very close – this family is just the sweetest! Ryann and Aiden were both invited to stay for their first sleep over,(with someone outside our family), Adam will pick them up today- I can’t wait to hear all about it!

This month is going to prove to be extremely busy! Ryann is participating in Dance, Soccer and track- and Aiden is continuing to play soccer for both teams… Ryann is BEYOND excited to get to participate in so many activities, and we’re thrilled to see her so happy. She has dance and soccer today. I’ll try to remember to bring my camera along and snap some pictures, (remember when I use to be so good at that?!) I’ll post Aiden’s soccer schedule once it’s released.

I guess that’s about it for us now. We hope your summer is going as good as ours!!