22 years ago we said good bye. Sometimes I go what seems like incredibly long stretches with out thinking of my mom. I'm aware that probably sounds horrible to some of you, but I've spent 3x more of my life without her than I did with... However, that being said I've found myself thinking more and more about her lately. I don't know if it's simply because the anniversary of her death is upon us. Or if it has to do more with Aiden, and him turning 7, (the age I was when I lost my mom)...Whatever the reason she really weighing on my mind today.
Courtney, Heather, Mom and Kim
As I stated before I don't remember much about my her. I do remember that she was always dressed beautifully and I swear she kept her big red hair and nails done perfectly, (I did NOT get that gene!) LOL!! I remember holidays and birthdays were her thing. She would throw the most amazing parties. I remember her constantly telling my sister and I to stand up straight - I swear sometimes I still hear, "Courtney DeAnne, stand up straight" I'm pretty sure she would be incredibly disappointed in my posture :). Although I can not remember the name of her perfume, if I pass someone wearing it, it'll stop me in my tracks. I remember thinking she was so tall, come to find out it was just my being so small that made her appear larger than life :) I remember her obsession with George Straight, complete with a life size cut out of him :) I remember feeling like I was the most important thing in her whole world.... I pray that I make my kiddos feel that way every single day, and hope that after I've been gone 22 years; Ryann and Aiden can remember that feeling.