Friday, July 14, 2006

How do you spell your name?!

Aiden has learned how to spell his name! Well almost. He has forgotten that it ends with a N not an I. This was something he picked up on all by himself. He has been "spelling" A-I for a while. Yesterday Ryann spelled his name to him and he spelled it right back to her. I would have thought this was a fluke, but he spelled it to her a dozen times in a row. Today however it ends with an I.... At first I didn't think he really knew what he was doing, but I realized that he has made the connection. Because you can ask him to spell it and he does. Or if he hears you talking about it he'll spell it. Check out our smart little boy

This was taken w/ my phone so it's not the best quality; but you get the idea. For some reason the movement stops, it's probably the site I used to host it... you can still hear it though!

1 comment:

George and Heather Taylor said...

I couldn't hear the sound, but very cute anyway! He is so darling and smart!