Saturday, December 30, 2006

Why Mommy?

This is one of the newest phrases to escape my baby boy's mouth! I think it's hilarious! He is growing into a little boy so fast! He already LOVES to take off his underwear and run through the house w/ a huge smile on his face, again part of me thinks it's hilarious! He keeps us laughing over here. He already has a great personality, and a wonderful sense of humor. He likes to get on his hands and knees and chase Adam, "I'm donna dit you Daddy!" It is so cute!

He is learning new things so fast, we can't keep up. The other day we went to Old Navy. While I was checking out Adam and Aiden were talking. Adam was asking him what the letters were on the floor. He knew A and O - that wasn't surprising, but he also knew D; which we didn't know he knew! He does little things like that to shock us all the time it seems!

Aiden is doing wonderfully w/ potty training. He can wear underwear all day w/ out any accidents on most days. We still aren't pushing too hard, giving him the chance to do it on his own. He hardly ever poops in his pants anymore!! They grow up SO fast!

We're enjoying having Daddy home this week. Spending LOTS of time playing with our new toys, and just having 'down' time together. We're ready for the holidays to be over so Aiden can return to gymnastics. He has missed it so!

I guess that's about it for us! Hope you are all doing great!

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