Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Couldn't sleep...

So I decided to stay up and work on one of Ryann's birthday gifts. You see, our precious little angel is learning to spell. We add a new word to her vocabulary list everyday. I'm teaching her how to spell by sounding out the word, making life a little easier when she starts learning to read. So far she knows, Ryann Nabors, Mommy, Daddy, Aiden, and Kamri, cat, hat, bat, dog, car, fox, box, cup, car, soccer and grass. I know there is another set of three that she knows, but for the life of me I can't remember what they are right now. Anyways you get the point! Once she learns to spell them out loud she teaches herself how to write them. She didn't have a notebook of her own, so she has since stolen Aiden's art book. We are so very proud of her progress, and eagerness to learn. I thought it would be really cool to alter a spiral just for her, something totally Ryann that she could show off to everyone! Here it is...

I'm totally patting myself on the back here, but isn't it the cutest?!!! I LOVE it, and think she is going to too. The inside is broken down into three sections. I plan to make one of those like a work book. I'm going to print/draw pictures of the words she knows how to spell and leave plenty of room for her to write the word(s) below. It'll be something really neat to keep once she has filled in all the pages, so that she can go back and look at it when she is older. Any who, I guess that's all I've got for now. Off to catch some Z's. Night!

Monday, June 25, 2007


I found out today that I wrote our phone number wrong on Ryann's birthday invites... oops! Chances are if you got one, you know our number, (at least one of them) but if not email me or post a comment here and I'll get you the right number. Sometimes I'm a complete idiot, sorry!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Whirly Birds WIN!

Yay!!! Okay, so they don't really keep score; but our girls did score more! Ryann came so close to making a goal twice! Ryann has NEVER played before. She really didn't know what to expect. Adam has taken her out to practice, but she had never played with a team before. She did awesome, and most important she had a great time; and has already said she can't wait for her next game. Shortly after the game started, she understood better what was going on. It was the sweetest thing to watch as her face changed when she knew she did something well, she was proud of herself - and should have been!! Gamma, Papa, and Gammaw came out to support our girl! She was so excited to have them there with her for this first experience. Here are a few pictures of our soccer girl, to see many more check out our photo albums.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

First practice...

Daddy took Ryann out for her first practice yesterday. She had a blast! Her favorite part was learning how to hit the ball with her head...

Funny girl!
I think she is ready for her first game. She can't stop talking about it! I uploaded lots of pictures from yesterday, so take a look.

I also changed our banner. What do you think? The kids are growing so fast, it's hard to keep that picture current, but I took that one just yesterday so it should be good for a few months. Aren't they beautiful?!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ryann's soccer schedule

We know where our afternoons will be spent for the next eight weeks, and hope you can join us at a few of these....

Sat-Jun 23 Whirlybirds v Lil Princesses 3:00 PM
Sat-Jun 30 Whirlybirds v Powerpuffs 3:45 PM
Sat-Jul 7 Whirlybirds v Cardinals 2:15 PM
Sun-Jul 15 Purple Power v Whirlybirds 12:45 PM
Sun-Jul 22 Whirlybirds v Blaze 2:15 PM
Sun-Jul 29 Little Angels v Whirlybirds 12:45 PM
Sun-Aug 5 Blue Angels v Whirlybirds 3:45 PM
Sat-Aug 11 Lil Princesses v Whirlybirds 3:00 PM

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Hope all you dads had an awesome Father's Day! The kids, Adam and I went to Texas De Brazil for lunch. Talk about YUM! Then we headed to Papa and Gamma's house. Adam enjoyed most of the day by napping...

Papa opened his gifts from us...

I LOVE when a card I make can get that kind of reaction!
Most of the day was spent visiting and playing with the grandparents. We all had a great day. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Don't forget Ryann's first game is a week away! LOTS of new pictures are up! Enjoy!!
Oh, and just for Jenny - Here is my new hair...

What do you think?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Whirl wind....

Ryann is here for the summer! We are super excited that she'll be home with us pretty much from here, until school starts. She is going to be a very busy little girl this summer. Ryann is signed up and ready to play some soccer! She is on team Whirly Birds, and their first game is next Sunday. I can't even begin to tell you how excited she is! Ryann would love to have some screaming fans in the stands, so if you can please come out and support our little girl. Her games will be every Sunday starting next week and the season will last for eight weeks. She is also going to join Aiden's gym and learn a little about gymnastics. I'm so excited to have two little gymnast running around. With all that and the weekly art classes, we're going to need to paint my truck yellow, and put at taxi sign on the top!

I've been very busy and unable to get pictures up. I'll try to get that done soon. We hope you are all doing great, and enjoying this beautiful summer weather!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


So yeah, Aiden is getting WAY too big! We're cleaning up my scrap-booking mess in the guest room. He finds an old shoe box, which I'm using to store Ryann's birthday party invites in. I told him, "Don't mess with that. It has Sissy's party cards in it." He says, "No, it proloby has shoes in it." WHAT?! Since when do two year olds use the word probably? New words/ phrases have been popping out of his mouth daily. Its nuts, because we don't think we say those things very often, and yet he is picking up on them. Kids are SO fun! One of his newest and most favorite things to ask, "What are you guys do'n?" Isn't that hilarious???

Aiden is very independent. He is now dressing/undressing himself. He can't do it all, but that doesn't mean he won't try before asking for help. He is also using the potty by himself these days. We are still in diapers most of the time. He was doing SO well, and then a few months back lost all interest in it. Well, the interest is back, and he is doing GREAT! He even will stand at the door, and say "I need privatcy (privacy)" and close the door. Our baby boy is growing up too fast!

Friday, June 08, 2007

A new look...

For me and the house! I cut SEVEN inches off my hair! I LOVE it. It's so easy to fix! I'll try and get some pictures soon, but it's shorter in the back and comes to about mid neck in the front. The front of the house got a "make over" too. Adam and I spent ALL day working in our flower bed. I got rid of five shrubs that I HATED, and planted five new ones. We also got some dwarf mondo grass and dusty millers to line it with. It looks great!

We've been so busy this week. Seems like we haven’t been home except to crawl into bed every night. I did get to keep Dayln Thursday. She is getting so big! She is doing an army crawl all over the place, and pulling herself up on the furniture. I took a ton of pictures, and will try to get them posted soon. I guess that's about it for now. I'll update, when I have something to update you on. Until then, enjoy your weekend!

Friday, June 01, 2007

I'm busy!

So, we were out to lunch today. Aiden walked off and was sitting at a table by himself. I said, "Aiden com here please." And what do I get in return??? "I'm busy" WHAT?! How do you even know what busy is? You're only two years old! Ryann also surprised her mommy by asking for a refill. Again a mommy shocked by a new word. See I told you they are growing too fast!

In my last post I talked about how smart Ryann is getting. She knows all the sounds letters make. Today on our ride to take her back to her mommy (it's about a 45 min drive) we used that to learn how to spell 4 new words. She learned out to spell cat, bat, hat and daddy. I taught how to sound them out and spell them out loud. That took MAYBE 20 minutes. Then I handed her a pen and paper and asked her to write them. She did it with out ANY help! What a little smarty pants!!! I'm pretty sure she is going to be reading before kindergarten is over, she just might be doing a bit of it before school starts!

Any who, we've got a busy weekend of soccer games and photo shoots ahead of us. Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing weekend.

Pictures are up - start on pg 30 in the May folder ~ enjoy!