Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Whirly Birds WIN!

Yay!!! Okay, so they don't really keep score; but our girls did score more! Ryann came so close to making a goal twice! Ryann has NEVER played before. She really didn't know what to expect. Adam has taken her out to practice, but she had never played with a team before. She did awesome, and most important she had a great time; and has already said she can't wait for her next game. Shortly after the game started, she understood better what was going on. It was the sweetest thing to watch as her face changed when she knew she did something well, she was proud of herself - and should have been!! Gamma, Papa, and Gammaw came out to support our girl! She was so excited to have them there with her for this first experience. Here are a few pictures of our soccer girl, to see many more check out our photo albums.

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