Or so I hear. My friend Monique and I go to the gym every morning. She has a four year old little girl, who Aiden gets along with fabulously. Monique called me yesterday to let me know Lilly, (her daughter) told her Aiden was Lilly's boyfriend. Lilly told her mom, "Aiden is a really good kid, and he likes to play in the rain with me". "He is my boyfriend." How cute is that?!
We don't know much new. Aiden is doing great in swim school. He has already made some progress, we are so proud of him! Gymnastics is still going great! He still looks forward to going every week, and hates when class ends.
Aiden will start "reading school" this weekend. We are so very excited! It's the Little Texas Scholars Early Childhood Reading Center. They teach kids as young as three to read. We would love if that could happen, but are just excited to have him in a class room setting. We thought about putting him into a preschool class, but he already knew everything they were going to be teaching. We just couldn't see paying someone to reinforce, when I'm home with him already to do that. In this class he will learn things, that I have NO clue how to tech him at this age. Plus, it will give Mommy and Daddy some much needed time together - interruption free! We can hardly wait!
Ryann will be back home with us this weekend. We haven't had her for a few weeks, and it's beginning to wear on us all. We miss her Soooooo much! We can't wait to hear all about school, and what she is learning, and about all the new friends I'm sure she has made.
Expect LOTS of new pictures from this weekend. Have a great one!