We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, despite the sickies taking over Adam and I. Wednesday when I got home from work I laid down to take a nap, and didn't wake up until Thursday morning. I was able to pull the dressing together and get everyone dressed so we could head over to Gamma and Papa's house. We had a lovely dinner, and the kids had a wonderful time playing football out front with Uncle Brent, Daddy and Papa. I slept most of the day. Napping all day ended up making it a little easier for me to stay up and watch the Aggie/ Texas game.
This picture makes me laugh! Ryann got Adam and Aiden to make her a goal post!!!

Friday was a tough day, because Adam and I were exhausted, and didn't feel well but it was the only day we had to get our Christmas decor out while Ryann was still here. Poor girl, she was really looking forward to getting everything out and put up, (she really loves all our Christmas traditions) but it was all Adam or I could do just to get both trees up/decorated and start on the mantel. I felt horrible that we couldn't get more done while she was here, but whatever this little bug was zapped every ounce of energy I had. Saturday Adam took Ryann to her mom and I laid on the couch and slept THE. WHOLE. DAY. It was a good thing Aiden didn't need me for anything, I was a waste of a human being the entire day. But, all that sleep really paid off, and I woke up yesterday feeling like a new person. Still didn't get anymore decorations up, (I think my guilt is eating at me, and we just may wait for Ryann to come back next weekend before doing anymore...) but I did get some cleaning and grocery shopping done, as well as squeezed in some quality time with Aiden. Poor Adam was stuck in bed all day yesterday. Hopefully a full day of rest did the trick for him too!!
One of the decorations I was eager, (as eager as I could be) to get up was this painting I did.... It's hard to get a good picture of it, because I painted him a metallic silver - one white canvas. But I LOVE how it turned out!! LOVE!!
Here are the kids with their new 2011 ornaments.. Ryann and her girl chipmunk.
Aiden and his glass swan. YEP, he picked a swan. A swan. A. SWAN. I can't wrap my mind around this choice.... This kid LOVES soccer, and every year we ask, "do you want a soccer ornament?" nope. He LOVES the Saints, and every fleur de lis he sees requires him to shout "SAINTS!" We found several fleur de lis ornaments, a few that were even gold and black (the Saints) colors, but nope didn't want those either. Couldn't talk him into an Aggie ornament - but he is just peachy with a glass swan. I don't think I will ever understand that child. But, he is happy with his girly pretty swan, and that is all that matters. LOL!!!
and a few of the progress.
So, everyone one returned to work and school today. Around 1:20 my phone rings. "Hello?" "Hi Mrs. Nabors, this is the nurse at Independence, cute little Aiden is in the clinic. It seems he was hit in the head during PE with a plastic hockey puck, and I'm afraid he may require stitches". Well, it turns out he was actually hit with the hockey stick, not the puck. And his doctor decided that the school nurse put the butterfly stitch on well enough that he didn't require stitches this time. Praise the Lord!! While we were at the doctor's office I opted to go ahead and get his flu vaccination out of the way. My crazy kid CHOSE THE SHOT over the mist! Again, I will NEVER GET THIS KID! LOL!!! On a side, and I think funny note. Aiden wore a cream colored shirt today, so he was checking out the dried blood and told me, "Mommy, I must be a really big Aggie fan. I even bleed maroon!"
So, we had an eventful afternoon. Aiden has a soccer game today, and I've got my fingers crossed that he doesn't hit his head, and cause this thing to bust open... we'd have him sit out this game except that in doing that there wouldn't be enough boys, and they would have to forfeit the game... so fingers crossed!!