Tuesday, November 08, 2011


We have had a fun week! Monday night Aiden went trick-or-treating. He had an absolute blast! But, that boy is so scheduled. His usual bed time is 8:00 pm. At about 7:30 he said he was ready to head home. So we hit up the remaining houses on the street we were on, and headed home. Aiden was sound asleep by 8:15. Here are a few pictures of him Halloween night.

Friday after school/ work we hit the road for a quick, and I mean QUICK, trip to College Station. We arrived around 8pm Friday night and headed home just after 8pm Saturday night. We had a wonderful time on 24 hour trip. We got to do lots of visiting, and most importantly we helped Dealyn celebrate her 5th birthday.

We arrived home around 12:30 Sunday morning, YAWN! Caught a few Z’s, and headed out to Aiden’s soccer game. During warm ups the boys take turns being goalie. Aiden was in the goal, he dove to catch a ball – and although I wasn’t watching I did hear a VERY LOUD “dong!” then an even louder scream. When Aiden dove he slammed his head into the goal post, OUCH! It scared everyone at the fields. Luckily he was not injured badly. No concussion, or cut – just a goose egg and bruise. He iced it, and was back on the field in no time at all. The boys played a great game. The final score was 5 to 1.

After the soccer game the team met up at a local rock climbing gym. It was a fun night. Aiden is a perfectionist, and has a very hard time dealing with not being able to do something with in the first few tries. At first he was just having a good time. Then he realized there were bells at the tops of the walls that you could ring if you made it all the way up. He was having a hard time making it that high. Out of frustration he cried, (he hasn’t quite grasped the concept of channeling that frustration and putting it to better use). Then he just got mad. I mean seriously mad. You could look at him and tell he was ticked. Adam and I have learned, that when he gets that way it’s best to just leave him alone to process that anger. So, that’s exactly what we did. Next thing you know Aiden’s at the top of the wall ringing the bell! He was SO EXCITED, and we were proud he didn’t give up. We talked to him about not being so hard on himself, but I don’t know if that’ll ever change – he comes by it honest.

Anyways, we had a lot of fun this weekend, hope you did too!

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