Thursday, September 08, 2011

Labor Day recap, and Summer II soccer standings

I guess when I said I’d update on Tuesday I meant Thursday… We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. It was wonderfully lazy! Saturday and Sunday we stayed close to home. Aiden was scheduled to have an outdoor game on Saturday, but it got rescheduled so we were able to enjoy three full days of quality time together as a family! Monday we headed over to Gamma and Papa’s house. That was a nice treat. With Aiden’s soccer schedule we see them most weekends, but I can’t remember the last time we were able to go out to their house. We enjoyed a nice lunch, and time out by the pool. We were blessed with much cooler temps… we were actually a bit chilly out by the pool – and that was such a blessing. Here are just a few pictures of our Labor Day.

Playing cars with Papa 
Adam and Courtney being lazy 
Adam and the kids playig sea saw in the pool 
Daddy and Aiden flipping over! 
Gamma and the kids working on an art project.

On Tuesday Aiden played his last games for both teams, for the indoor season. His Barcelona team won! Actually they didn’t loose a game this season, they tied one – so they finished up this season in first place. The Odyssey team didn’t do quite as well. This season was very hard for this team. First all the boys are 6 years old, playing in a league with 8 year olds, (because last season they played against 7 year olds, and won every game). Second, their coach was changed mid season – and the two coaches have VERY different coaching styles. SO- they actually only won one game- and finished the season in last place. Both teams move outdoor, with their first games being this weekend. I’ve signed up to be the team photographer for the Odyssey team – so expect lots of soccer pictures very soon.

We did have the opportunity to talk with Ryann about her school year so far. She says she likes both her teachers, and her classmates. So far all her school work has pretty much been a review of what she learned last year, and she likes that. Ryann moved to a new building this year, and before school started she was concerned that she would get lost, but was excited to report that on the second day of school she knew exactly where to go! Right now Ryann is not involved in any extra curricular activities, but she has told her mom that she wants to play soccer – so HOPEFULLY I’ll have some soccer pictures/stories to share from her soon!

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