Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Weekend Games!

Aiden had his first outdoor game, for both teams this weekend. Barcelona played Saturday evening. They played great, and won their game. I can't remember the score off the top of my head... think it was something like 8 to 2. Adam and I are less than happy with the independent league this team is playing in this season. But, Aiden is having a great time playing with the team, so we are willing to over look the field conditions and refs - at least for this season. If the coach decides to stick with this league next season we may have to reevaluate our commitment to the team.... more to come on that in a few weeks.

As I said before I signed up to be the photographer for the Odyssey club team, so I took about 150 pictures at Sunday's game. Which the boys WON!!!!!!!!! These boys really deserved a win; the final score was 5-2. Here are a few of my favs of Aiden from the game.

I love how he is standnign this kid up! That's the way to defend the ball!!

He can defy gravity too... LOL!

We hope you are all doing well! We're very much looking forward to this weekend. Ryann will be back! (YAY!!) Aiden will have games, and probably my favorite thing... we'll be headed out to Jennifer and John's for their annual shrimp boil! I love my cousin, and am so happy she lives close enough that we can get together, just wish life would slow down a bit so we could do it more often. I'll have more pictures to share after this weekend!

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