Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WOW, I really stink at keeping this thing updated

Sorry it's been so long........ again!

This summer has been CRAZY busy!! I'm so ready for school to start, so our schedules can slow down!

Aiden's had a few soccer games since my last post. He loves the game, and is really quite good. He scored a whopping TEN goals in ONE game.... 8 in the first half, then he sat out most of the second. He really loves playing, and has decided to keep going after this summer season is up. He made the choice to quit gymnastics, his last class is the 25th of this month......which also happens to be his first day of school. We're all excited about school starting.

Ryann starts a new school on the 24th. She wasn't too excited about school until her Mom started buying all her supplies. Seeing all the supplies she'll get to use over the next 9 months was just what she needed to get her motivated for the upcoming school year.

The kids both visited the dentist a few weeks ago. Both getting good reports. Ryann went back Monday to have sealant put on her 6 year molars. She did great!

Adam took his last test as a collage student today..... Graduation is on Saturday. We're all very excited that he is DONE. I'm so proud of him! I don't know how he managed to juggle school, work and a very demanding family. But he did, and did great at all three!

I guess that's if for us for now. Check out our photo albums to see current pix. Until next time......