Monday, January 16, 2006

Growing Boy!

My, my how time seems to fly! Aiden is growing and changing so fast! He now has 5 teeth!! He has started to refuse his veggies, something this kid has NEVER done. So we just sneak them in with his other foods. He is starting to get some dairy. He LOVES cottage cheese, which kinda grosses his daddy out! He is standing better and better by himself. He took 4 steps last night, but he still prefers to crawl. He hasn't said any new words lately, but he seems to have a sound that means he wants his cup, or he wants to nurse.... kinda sounds like di,di.... he might be trying to say drink?! Aiden is going to be one on the 21st of next month. I still can't believe how fast it's gone by!!! We have started planning his party, I think it'll be a blast!!

Hope your all doing good. If you wanna see pictures of the big boy standing all by himself check out our family photo gallery!!

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