Thursday, May 08, 2008

big changes....

Aiden started his new school program today. Isn't he the cutest thing EVER?!!!

Today and tomorrow are really just a tiny test run. I start my new job Monday; and I need these days to be sure he is happy. And he seems to be! It was so hard on ME to leave him this morning. I held it together until the door closed, and then the tears took over. Only for a minute though. I stood at the door and watched him play with his teacher and classmates and I knew I made the right decision about going back to work. The fears I had about going back are beginning to subside, because I know he is going to be okay. I've been online all morning watching him in his class. He is truly in his element. He is having a wonderful time. I can hardly wait for the end of the day so I can pick him up and hear all about it! I'm ready to start my job. It's time. I have been so blessed to be able to stay home with Aiden. Adam has been amazing. But it's time, I'm ready. So wish me luck! Hopefully I'll remember to update this thing more often!

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