Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy 4th!!

We hope you all had a great 4th! Ours was awesome!

The rest of our long weekend was spent around the house, reading, watching movies.... Adam studying for his mid-term and lots of family time - a well deserved restful weekend!

We have lots to look forward to next week! Aiden will be staying home with Mommy tomorrow, he started feeling bad this evening, and we're hoping keeping him home tomorrow will help it blow over quickly, because Tuesday he has gymnastics, Wednesday he and Ryann have reading school, Thursday is soccer practice, then on Saturday Aiden has his second soccer game, and that afternoon we'll be celebrating at Ryann's SEVENTH (OMG!) birthday party. Then sadly on Sunday our extended summer time ends with Ryann, as she returns to her mom's. We're all going to miss her very much, but we are going to enjoy every second of our time with her until then.

We had our pictures taken with Erin again, check out this link to see a tiny preview - I'm so excited to see the rest - she is so amazingly talented, I know it's going to be so hard to choose which prints to buy!

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