Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Latest

I guess we’re do for an update on here. No matter how hard I try to make this thing a priority, it always gets pushed to the back burner. 

Adam and I celebrated our six year wedding anniversary on September 25. It’s hard to believe it’s really been SIX years. We had a wonderful stay at the Gaylord Texan. It’s so nice to get away and spend some quiet quality time, just the two of us.

Aiden has been a busy little dude! He is still doing amazing in school; he LOVES his regular teacher, and his GT teacher, (I think he loves being in class with the 1st grade students more than anything.) We’ve had a meeting with his teacher, and she had only great things to say about Aiden. The first six weeks just wrapped up, and report cards will be sent home Friday. We’re certain he’ll have only good marks. Aiden is also involved in the schools, “Just for boys book club”, they meet once a month after school and read books and play games. This is something he and Adam attend together; Aiden has really enjoyed this club a great deal, and is looking forward to the next meeting. He is still playing soccer. It amazes me just how much he still enjoys practicing and playing, and being on a team!

Ryann was home with us the last two weekends. Gosh, it was nice to have her here again! She is still enjoying school, mostly for the social side of it, but academically she is still doing well. After a LONG wait Ryann finally got to start cheer/tumbling last week. Right now she is just going once a week, but she is supposed to start going two days a week soon. After her first class she was surprised how much work it is going to take to be good at it, I guess she figured she would just be able to go out and be a pro off the bat. Adam and I have encouraged her to stay with it, and it will get easier.

I guess that’s about it for now. I’ll update our photo site tonight, you’ll be able to see pictures from our trip to the skating rink and the pumpkin patch, among others. 

Until next time!

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