Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December Happenings... so far

We’ve got less than one week until Christmas, and we’ve got one little boy that CAN NOT WAIT! Aiden is beyond excited! Last we saw Ryann she was really excited too, but that was almost two weeks ago.

So much has happened since our last post, I know I won't remember it all - but I'll hit the high points. First Ryann when to the orthodontist and learned she’ll be getting her braces taken off January 9th, and she is SO EXCITED!!! She has been such a champ dealing with her braces we’ve heard very little complaining this past year! It’s amazing what a difference a year has made. Do you remember what her teeth looked like before?! Her under-bite was so severe that when she bit down her bottom teeth would touch her top gums... she is no longer dealing with that problem!! There is a very good chance she’ll have braces again once all her permanent teeth come in. However, if she will wear her retainer like she is supposed to we MAY get away with not having them put back on… fingers crossed!!

Aiden has lost so many teeth, he is beginning to look like a little old man…He lost one of his top front teeth and the other is loose. The bottom ones are not in all the way – so if he looses that other top tooth before the others come in we’re really going to have to consider a liquid diet for him for a while!
Both kids were dismissed for Christmas break Friday. I was able to take off half the day and go to Aiden’s class Christmas party.
School dismissed at noon, and we spent the reminder of the day hanging out. Adam, Aiden and I spent the weekend playing, watching movies and just enjoying our time together. Saturday night we met Gamma and Papa for dinner. Sunday we made and decorated our Christmas cookies. Both my guys were so much help making the cookies and the royal icing. It was a lot of fun spending that time together.

We each picked our favorite cookie that we decorated to leave out for Santa…
The snowflake is mine, the snowman is Aiden’s and the stocking is Adam’s
The rest of these guys are for us when we drive around and look at Christmas lights later this week!
Jacob the elf has been a busy little guy spying on the kids…..
Riding the dinosaurs, playing Wii

Making "snow" angels, drinking the syrup 
                            And even reading a book!
Aiden has had so much fun finding Jacob every morning! I'm so glad we added this fun, new tradition this year!

We hope you are all enjoying this holiday season. We'll update again soon.

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