Thursday, February 22, 2007

Two year well check

Aiden visited Dr. Rhodes offices this morning. Aiden is doing great, now weighing 30lbs and is 35" tall. Both put him in the 75th percentile. He had to have the last of his Hep shots, and a flu vac. It was horrible to watch. Now that he is so big, and really understands what is going on - it just broke my heart! We were in the car headed home and Aiden says, "Mommy, my legs hurt". I told him I'm so sorry! He then says, "Dat (that) lady hurt me". I almost cried!! His sweet, loving, wonderful sister helped him to feel much better! She gave him her milk, held his hand and gave him a sticker. He is a lucky little boy! By the time we made it home he had forgotten all about that mean ol lady.

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