Saturday, November 15, 2008

The tooth fairy comes to town...

"I'm rich!"

Ryann had her very first visit from the tooth fairy last night. We had to leave a note, letting the tooth fairy know, that Ryann's mommy wanted to keep her tooth for her baby book. Luckly, the tooth fairy didn't mind. Ryann thought this whole process was pretty amazing! The tooth fairy left behind a bag with a tooth brush, toothpaste, flossers, $5 and a note just for Ryann.

Her letter read:

"Hello Ryann,

Congratulations on losing your first tooth! Adults lose their teeth too when they are little.... just like Daddy adn Mommy did. Now I see that it is your turn.

Aiden and Kamri must be bary excited for you. Lots of people who live in Keller and Greenville are happy for you too! Losing your teeth is a part of growing up.

Remember to eat lots of fruits and vegetables to keep your teeth strong. Brushig your teeth ever day is a good way to keep your new grown up teeth health.

Please tell you dentist that I said "hello" during you next visit.
Tooth Fairy".

Ryann is still trying to figure out how the tooth fairy knew her brother and sister's names....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute! Aidan STILL has not lost any teeth. Not even a little wiggle. I wish he would start. He has this banged up gray tooth in the front that we're dying to let go. lol

Happy thanksgiving, sweetie!