Thursday, January 08, 2009

Overwhelmed in '09??

Well, here we are eight days into the New Year. If you do resolutions, I hope you've already made great strides in achieving them! 2009 is already proving to be a busy year for us. I don't know that I'll ever get caught up at work. One of the things I love about my job is the fact that I stay busy, every day I have something new and challenging to work on, it really keeps me on my toes! However, with the economy plunging and people loosing their jobs at a record rate; I am BEYOND busy!! For those of you who don't know, I work in insurance. My specific job is converting and continuing life insurance policies for people after they leave their employer. It seems like every day I leave work, I have more untouched applications than I did when I got there. You may call it job security; I call it a pain in my back side! LOL!!

The house is another job that will keep me very busy this year. When we bought our house, not quite 3 years ago; we bought it thinking we had plenty of growing room. Ha! We have accumulated so much "stuff" over the past 3 years, I'm just sick of it. If you know me, you know I'm not a pack rat. I despise clutter and a mess. However, with all the "stuff" we've managed to amass, it seems impossible to have a clean, clutter free home. Even with my ritual purge cleanings that happen every few months. So, over the next month (yes, I'm giving myself a month -- I'm a working woman these days!) I will be purging like never before! Shhh, don't tell Adam.... I don't know where he picked up his hoarding from, but I've got to put an end to it!

Adam is going to be SUPER busy this year too. Work is going to being consuming much of Adam's time. He currently is working in SAP, if you don't know what that is; don't ask.... if you would be interested in it, you'd already know (lol!). They will be wrapping up the big changes, and going live this summer, we've already been told to expect 6 day work weeks the months leading up to and following "going live". He'll also be finishing up that Systems Engineering degree. He has done such an amazing job thus far keeping work, school and home life from conflicting; and I'm confident he'll continue to do a great job! Although, we are all looking forward to more family time once the diploma is in hand!

I remember being younger, and wishing to be older....... WHAT was I thinking??!! Ahhh, to be back in high school, when I didn't have a care in the world.....

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