Thursday, February 11, 2010

Crazy Texas Weather!

It's crazy to believe we still live in Texas when weather like this rolls through town! We have gotten over NINE inches, and it's still falling fast!

Aiden went to school this morning, and I went into work - but we both ended our day early. When we came home Adam had to come out and shovel the drive way, so that I could get my car in the garage! Well actually it took him and two of our neighbors to get the job done! It's absolutely beautiful, and we are enjoying it, but are hopeful it doesn't decide to stick around too long. School and work have already been canceled for tomorrow, so at least we get a 3 day weekend! I'm sure I'll have more pictures to share tomorrow, as it's rumored we're going to get another 10 inches!!

If you're getting half the snow we are, please be careful!!
Lots of love!

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