Tuesday, June 12, 2007


So yeah, Aiden is getting WAY too big! We're cleaning up my scrap-booking mess in the guest room. He finds an old shoe box, which I'm using to store Ryann's birthday party invites in. I told him, "Don't mess with that. It has Sissy's party cards in it." He says, "No, it proloby has shoes in it." WHAT?! Since when do two year olds use the word probably? New words/ phrases have been popping out of his mouth daily. Its nuts, because we don't think we say those things very often, and yet he is picking up on them. Kids are SO fun! One of his newest and most favorite things to ask, "What are you guys do'n?" Isn't that hilarious???

Aiden is very independent. He is now dressing/undressing himself. He can't do it all, but that doesn't mean he won't try before asking for help. He is also using the potty by himself these days. We are still in diapers most of the time. He was doing SO well, and then a few months back lost all interest in it. Well, the interest is back, and he is doing GREAT! He even will stand at the door, and say "I need privatcy (privacy)" and close the door. Our baby boy is growing up too fast!

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