Thursday, November 16, 2006

Worst case of diaper rash.....

I've never seen it end up on someones head before!!!!
Yeah, leave it up to our son!! I was doing laundry, left him alone in our bathroom for MABYE a minute, and this is what I return to find! I walked back and he met me at the door, handed me the tin and said, "See - Mommy, medicine!" Adam said he's head must have itched! We've already washed his head four times and it still isn't out completely. You can't see it anymore, but if you touch it - well it just feels nasty!!! Anyone run into this problem before? I would LOVE some ideas on how to get it out!

Hope your day is going better than ours!!!

1 comment:

Adam and Courtney said...

the secret to getting it out was.... dish washing liquid! Worked great!!!